1Password: gestor de contraseñas para el iPod y PC

La aplicación 1 Password para el iPhone es gratuita, y gracias a ella podemos llevar con nosotros todas nuestras claves y datos confidenciales sin temor a que sean revelados incluso extraviando el terminal.

Una de las características mas destacables de 1Password es la posibilidad de sincronizar todos los datos entre el ordenador y el iPhone. Para ello debemos abrir 1Password en nuestro ordenador.

Para poder navegar por todas las webs que requieren de contraseña, accedemos al apartado Logins. Desde aquí podemos entrar en nuestras webs protegidas sin teclear ni un solo nombre de usuario ni contraseña, muy cómodo teniendo en cuenta lo pequeños que son los campos de registro en la pantalla del iPhone.

Para ello, seleccionamos la web donde queremos entrar, tecleamos el Master Password (clave maestra), y accedemos a la cuenta en cuestión. Como veis en la siguiente imagen el cerrojo esta en azul lo que indica que tenemos vía libre para acceder a esta dirección. Una vez en ella observamos como los campos de usuario y contraseña se rellenan automáticamente.

Aparte de usuarios y contraseñas, 1Password también puede guardar en el iPhone datos de tarjetas de crédito y notas confidenciales.

In 1Password, click on the “Sync to iPhone” icon in the toolbar and choose an access code for encryption. (This will create the bookmarklet in Safari.)

Setup Sync

  • Switch to your Safari bookmarks, where you will find two new categories, each with a bookmarklet. The 1Passwordbookmarklet enables a browsable list of all your 1Password data; the 1Password Logins bookmarklet provides a one-click login to the current page.

    Bookmarklets in Safari

    The data in the Address column is what you need to copy to your PC; however, Safari only lets you copy the first 32,000 characters of a bookmark’s address field, so copying from here is likely to fail. To work around this, drag the bookmark to Firefox on your Mac (either directly or via the Finder) to copy the data there. Then, in Firefox, select the bookmarklet properties. This is what you’ll see:

    Bookmarklets in Safari

    Hit Tab once to select the Location field. Copy the text into a plain-text file, and email it to yourself.

  • Get it onto your Windows machine. (Easiest method: email it to yourself using the aforementioned plain text file.)

  • Finally, create your bookmarklet in Firefox. To do this, first bookmark any page to your Firefox bookmarks bar. Then, right-click on the bookmark and choose “Properties”. Rename it as desired (”1P” suffices for my needs), and replace the Location field with the long string you emailed to yourself. For the 1Password bookmarklet, you’ll want to select “Load this bookmark in the sidebar”. For the1Password Logins bookmarklet, leave it deselected.

    Create Bookmarklet
  • Firefox now has a secure, functional bookmarklet with your passwords and other data available.

    1Password Logins bookmarklet in action:1Password Logins bookmarklet

    1Password bookmarklet in action:

    Secure Entry Interface

    (Use of the search function is recommended here as the tool sorts web forms by name)

    1Password also provides a full-fledged html export, which you can keep on a thumb drive or upload to a server. (I wouldn’t recommend uploading the file — out of 6 billion people in the world, surely someone is bound to find the file and start playing.)

    Bonus: For even easier synchronization, install Foxmarks to synchronize your Firefox bookmarks between your Mac and PC. Now you can copy straight from Safari to Firefox on your Mac and let Foxmarks do the synching. Update: Foxmarks didn’t work with the 1Password bookmarklets the last time I tried it; your mileage may vary.


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